Thursday, February 16, 2006

Cystic Explosion

He sits in a puddle of sebaceous pus.... a turgid mass of putrid, vile smelling sebum that weeps softly out of a golf ball sized cyst on his inner thigh. Black trouser starts sticking to his leg as the viscid juice oozes south, a cinnabar and yellowish double cream, coating his balls in cystic coagulation.... a smell so indescribably repugnant, acts as an emetic to retch a violent bilious chunderstorm, a lapful of the previous night's sashimi. Peeled layers of concentric necrotic tissue speckled with tiny mouths, the b-roads of the pus highway that finally flood their gates, released from their rotting subterraneous prison. Soothing balm of relief to the now deflated hard-boiled hillock entrapped within, a wrenching agony of taut flesh,tension and stress fuelled by whiskey and Jamón Ibérico, the pleasurable toxins of the fatherland. His bow-legged buggered stance resumes a normal gait as he enters the natatorium and falls into a deep sleep, lulled by the twittering birds of dawn.


Blogger Full Metal Attorney said...

I don't get it. Are you trying to alienate people with this work? You use a lot of "big words," as some people like to call them. It sounds like you're trying to make everyone think you're smart, and if they don't like your writing then that means that they're just not smart enough to "get it." The truth is, though, that's just bad writing.

February 16, 2006 3:33 pm  
Blogger Rundaas said...

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February 16, 2006 4:18 pm  
Blogger Rundaas said...

Hi. I have been writing in this style on and off since 1989. In this particular post, with the exception of 'natatorium' the "big words" used are comfortably within the range of the average well-read 16 year old's vocabulary. I'm sorry if you feel alienated or didn't "get it". Perhaps Enid Blyton would be more up your street! Regards,Rundaas.

February 16, 2006 4:24 pm  
Blogger BloodyWits said...

That was thoroughly disgusting but well-written...VERY visually oriented. Is there more?

February 18, 2006 9:28 am  
Blogger Rundaas said...

Thanks. There is more on
Regards, Rundaas

February 18, 2006 9:47 am  

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