Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Books printed on recycled paper

In an American opinion survey done by the Opinion Research Corp. in Nov. 2005, 80% of people who had bought a book in the past six months said they would be willing to pay more for a book printed on recycled paper. The survey showed that 42% were willing to pay $1 more per book. That's a healthy sign as annual book production chews up a million tons of paper requiring a staggering 20 million trees !!

Over a hundred publishers have adopted paper policies to eliminate the use of fiber from endangered forests and to maximize the use of recycled & FSC Paper. Publishers save one tree with every 90 books printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper. If the book industry's use of recycled fiber increases from 5 to 30 percent, there will be an annual ecological benefit of saving 4.9 million trees, conserving 2 billion gallons of water, preventing the release of 524 million pounds of greenhouse gases and 388,137 pounds of hazardous pollutants, and reducing pressure on rare and threatened forests.

We are buggering the planet's ecosystem on a daily basis, maybe to eventual extinction in time. One small thing you can do to marginally alleviate that is to click on the Rainforest Site. One free click a day saves 11.4 sq.ft (3.47 sq.m) of endangered rainforest which is about 4160 sq.ft or 1266.55 sq.m a year. Or eventually bite the bullet and succumb to an E - book reader ?? !!

For more information on advances in eco-friendly publishing, visit these informative resource sites:
Tags: Recycled paper + Rainforests + Publishing


Blogger utenzi said...

That's funny. You need to read between the lines with stats. If 80% of people respond one way to a general question, then their answer drops in half to 40% when a specific is added (1 dollar increase) that really means that they're not willing to pay any more. They just know it sounds better to say that they would.

Surveys have to be really viewed cautiously since it's so easy for the questions used to influence the answers.

February 01, 2006 9:48 pm  
Blogger Rundaas said...

I have no doubt that the results of surveys are refutable. As it happens, the extra costs in some cases are 9 cents or none, depending on the publisher and the grade of the paper used.I just have a more positive belief that people will pay a bit extra to buy a book printed on endangered forest friendly or 100% PCW recycled paper.

February 02, 2006 2:12 am  
Blogger utenzi said...

Well, 9 cents isn't very much...

February 02, 2006 6:53 pm  

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