Sunday, January 22, 2006

Hardbacks, paperbacks or E-book Reader ?

Hardbacks: I have always had a preference for hardbacks when it comes to buying books and often buy 1st editions from Abebooks. There is a certain solidity and permanence in a hardback that's missing in a paperback and generally bigger print as well. The Redhead says that they are too heavy to read in the bath !

Paperbacks : Paperbacks seem to have a sense of disposability, yet are convenient to travel with as they are lighter, but don't have the same reading satisfaction and pleasure as a hardback. Often due to the heat on a beach they fall apart and you spend your holiday fumbling with loose pages, coming home with a missing page.

E-Reader : The Sony Reader was displayed at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago. Apparently a marked improvement on previous e-readers with a capacity of about 80 E-books, portability being the size of a paperback and a battery life of 7500 page turns. This already indicates a move towards digitization and is like an i-Pod for books. There is a long post at the Guardian predicting the future of the printed book and the eventual move towards e-books. It will be a sad day when a piece of fucking plastic and a bunch of pixels replace the standard paper book.

So what do you prefer, hardbacks, paperbacks or moving towards the idea of being an e-book reader ? Please leave a comment with your views.

Tags: Sony Reader + Hardbacks + Paperbacks + Books


Blogger Kiley said...

Hardbacks (first-editions too): totally my preference, too.

January 22, 2006 8:50 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

I buy paperbacks... mostly because of price. I would quickly go broke if my book obsession relied on hard covers! It is hard, though, to wait a year or more for some of my favorites to be released in paperback.

January 22, 2006 8:05 pm  
Blogger NYC Educator said...

I prefer hardbacks, but like the price of paper. I love the net and blogging, but ai don't think I could read an ebook.

January 22, 2006 9:14 pm  
Blogger Technicolour Nightmare said...

I don't care if it is paperback or hardback.
But I read somewhere that the reason electronic books aren't taking off is because people like the feel of books. So maybe they should make one where you actually turn the pages.

January 23, 2006 1:24 am  
Blogger Johnny Wadd said...

I doubt and hope that digitization never replaces the printed word. There is nothing more satisfying than having a well stocked library of hardbacks in your house.

January 24, 2006 7:48 pm  
Blogger Thao said...

I buy the paperback because of price. If I like it enough, I will invest in the hb. But if it's a new release, on sale and I think I'll like it, I'll get it.

January 25, 2006 10:20 pm  
Blogger Tao said...

Going against the comments here, i welcome the introduction of a "good" e-book device.

Not that it will take over the printed word (ever) but what stands in the way of progress?

January 25, 2006 11:50 pm  
Blogger Cooper said...

I prefer hardbacks as well and I love abebooks.
I don't thik that a good old used book store will ever be replaced though.

via BE

January 26, 2006 12:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read books on my Palm. Shitty platform to read on, but the books are free. I posted on this some time ago.

Paperbacks are OK too. Main problem with dead-tree books : take too much space.

So I'm all for electronic reading devices. They solve so many issues (easy archival, easy searching, easy storage).

January 26, 2006 6:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like paperbacks best. Hardbacks make my arms ache. There's also something a little bit precious about them. E-readers should only ever be used for information: directories, dictionaries etc
And how do you arrange your books? Alphabetically? By subject? Colour?! Or not at all?

January 27, 2006 5:48 pm  
Blogger Rundaas said...


January 27, 2006 5:53 pm  
Blogger BloodyWits said...

I prefer paperbacks...I have small hands and hardbacks make my hands hurt. However, if I read a paperback to death, I buy the hardback AND another paperback copy. I am a hoarder of books. I keep textbooks and business reading on my palm because that's the kind of thing I read on the go.

I can't imagine curling up in front of a roaring fire with some wine and any form of e-book reader.

February 18, 2006 9:33 am  

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