Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Desert stultification

Wading through the bilious sludge of a week’s mental stultification, the monotonous coins rattling… cast asunder, in the mordant vessels of the beggars in my mind….time lurching forwards, towards the perilous descent to the Fatherland … momentary solace, plunging in the heated emerald kidney stirring up the stagnant liver… basking in the pre-winter sun… a tinge of joie de vivre returns… lost in the verdant solitude of the Arbequinas….149 trees to be picked and sent to their cold-press extra virgin heaven, all for the promise of delicate gold 0.1%…skulking voles nibbling the fallen almonds, in the parched and dusty river beds of Tabernas… minimal human contact for the extroverted being…. the desert dance is taking its toll….


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